ordered universe - определение. Что такое ordered universe
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Что (кто) такое ordered universe - определение

Ordered Exponential; Path-ordered exponential

Partially ordered group         
Lattice ordered group; Positive element (ordered group); Partially ordered monoid; Orderable group; Ordered group; Lattice-ordered group; Partially-ordered group; Integrally closed ordered group; Integrally closed partially ordered group; Integrally closed (partially ordered group); Positive cone of a partially ordered group
In abstract algebra, a partially ordered group is a group (G, +) equipped with a partial order "≤" that is translation-invariant; in other words, "≤" has the property that, for all a, b, and g in G, if a ≤ b then a + g ≤ b + g and g + a ≤ g + b.
Universe (1983 video game)         
Universe (computer game)
Universe (sometimes called Omnitrend's Universe) is a science fiction space trading and combat game by Omnitrend Software. It was created by William G M Leslie and Thomas R Carbone.
Linearly ordered group         
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, a linearly ordered or totally ordered group is a group G equipped with a total order "≤" that is translation-invariant. This may have different meanings.


Ordered exponential

The ordered exponential, also called the path-ordered exponential, is a mathematical operation defined in non-commutative algebras, equivalent to the exponential of the integral in the commutative algebras. In practice the ordered exponential is used in matrix and operator algebras.

Примеры употребления для ordered universe
1. A seemingly well–adjusted man in a well ordered universe is brought to the brink.
2. The rooms are as restrained in appearance as she is and seem to have a shared purpose: there is not a single one in which you could not read or reflect. ‘I am temperamentally averse to chaos,‘ she says. ‘It is my belief that somewhere there is an ordered universe, even if we don‘t live in it.‘ Clarity is one of her virtues on the page, too.